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15 Important Things When Changing Blog Templates

15 Important Things When Changing Blog Templates

15 Important Things When Changing Blog Templates

GLOBAL DIGITAL TIMES | If you have a wordpress blog, and have the desire to change or replace a blog template or theme that has been used for a long time, then there will be a lot of work to be done. Or you may be bored with templates that have been used for a long time. Not only changing the template, several important things must be noted before changing the template. This note is made as a checklist, so that no important steps are missed during the process of changing your new blog template .

My mind is happy to write about blogging tips and tricks.

Keep in mind, when using the previous template, you might enter a lot of scripts either on the homepage, sidebar, or in posts. Then don't forget to re-write it in your new template. Now let's see!

Some important things to note for the checklist before changing the blog template

1. Make an important note of the old template

In the previous template, maybe you entered various kinds of additional script code. The additional code can be a special file, or a script that is included in function.php, singlepost.php, index.php, header.php and in other files. Open and note the additional scripts. Record the loading speed of your blog, so you can compare the loading speed of the old template with the new one. Use site facilities such as pingdom tools or Yslow to check the speed of each page on your blog.

2. Don't forget the sidebar

Make sure your new template is widget-ready. This sidebar widget is very easy for wordpress users to set up. Many bloggers place various widgets in the sidebar such as link lists, ad boxes, and other widgets. If you use a new template that is not widget-ready, then all of your previous widgets may be lost. Also open the sidebar.php file, pay attention to whether there are any changes in it that you have done. it's safer if you make a list of any widgets used in the old template. If you ever make changes or add special scripts in it, record the list in detail, including the script code in it if any.

3. Tracking codes

Many blogs use a lot of tracking code in it, for example the tracking code from Google Analytics, calculating the number of visitors with Histats, or from other services. Also the adsense code in the old template. Make a note of these codes, which you will enter again in the new template.

4. Check the RSS page

Many blogs use FeedBurner to integrate WordPress RSS Feeds. Many templates already provide feedburner integration from the settings panel, but some don't. You have to make sure that your feedburner is pointing to the same feed page as before. because if not, a new rss feed page link will be created.

5. Backup blog

This is the action that is the highlight of the entire record. You certainly don't want to lose the files that already existed, both template files and work files on your previous WordPress blog. Do this backup to keep you safe when making lots of changes in the new template, if something goes wrong, you can restore the previous file.

6.Maintenance mode

You certainly don't want your visitors to see any damage when you replace the new template. Make your blog set in Maintenance Mode for some time, while you do the template change process (It could be 15-60 minutes, depending on your needs). Make your blog display to show visitors that there is a maintenance process on your blog. After the template change is complete, you can release the maintenance mode back on your blog. And you can activate the new template right away.

7. Check all functions and plugins

After the template is activated, make sure that all installed functions and plugins can still run or work. Take a look at note number 1 that you made earlier. This is where you make notes before changing the template. Check everything about the comment process, single post page, 404 page, archive page, contact page, etc. Is it still going well or not. Make sure the plugins you used in the old template still work well in the new template.

8. Check Browser Compatibility

Test your blog is it still accessible by all browsers? Each browser has a different blog rendering level, especially for Internet Explorer. This browser is used as a benchmark, the most basic browser, does your blog still appear well using internet explorer. Because maybe there are still internet users who use the internet explorer browser.

9. Make sure the Third Party parts still match or match the new template

If you use google adsense or other advertising company that allows you to make the format, here you have to make sure the code is still working properly. For example change according to the color you used in the previous template. Does it still match the style of the new theme you are using. If previously you used the orange color setting in the advertisements you used, does the color still match the new theme used? Or adjustments to other colors besides Google Adsense, for example the color of the widget history that you use. Does the color still match your new template style template?

10. Notify blog visitors

Turn off maintenance mode, and create a special post that notifies blog visitors that you have finished carrying out maintenance, or that the theme changes you have made have taken several minutes. By creating this special notification, you can ask them to report any bugs reports for template changes that you have made. You can use your Twitter or Facebook page to interact with your blog visitors about this. Ask whether the appearance of your blog is now good or not, did they encounter difficulties or errors when accessing your blog now? If the answer is no, that's good news, that your template changes were successful. If they do encounter an error, you can ask them to send you a screenshot,

11. Trimming or adding plugins

Each blog theme or template usually has its own default plugin. For example, if you previously used the Genesis or Woo templates, or other templates that already used BreadCrumbs, do you make sure whether this facility is in the new template? if you still want to use it, while the new template doesn't have this facility, then you have to add this plugin, or write additional script code to activate the breadcrumb again in the new template.

And conversely, if the new template already provides breadcrumb facilities, while you previously installed the breadcrumb plugin, then you must turn off the plugin. Because later there will be two breadcrumbs that work. Turn off the pre-existing plugin if indeed your new template already has it.

12. Don't be in a hurry

You are currently changing the template, so check all the changes slowly and examine them in detail. Pay attention to the little things to make sure your template can run well and according to your wishes. It would be better if you fully understand the structure and semantics of the new template that you will use, before making major changes to your blog. So you will be able to recognize future problems when changing templates.

13. Check blog speed

Pay attention and note the loading speed of the blog while still using the old theme. (this is part of note number 1 above). Is the new template that you are using now able to provide a good change in loading speed or not. If there aren't too many differences, decide which template to use. but if you find that the loading time is getting worse, you should think again, how to increase the loading speed in your new theme.

14. Pay attention to the Bounce Rate

After changing the theme with a new one, it's time to pay attention to the bounce rate of blog visitors. Some themes are comfortable for visitors and more friendly. The navigation is easy and the loading speed is short, that's what visitors like. If the bounce rate on your blog is reported to have increased, then you are improving the performance of the existing blog. It can also mean, the possibility of lazy visitors to browse your blog with a new template. Add related post widgets, popular post widgets, or provide other easy navigation for blog visitors, so they are given choices when visiting your blog.

15. Listen to the opinions of blog visitors, and improvise

When your latest design template has been used, ask visitors for their opinion. Some don't like the new feature, some like it. Communicate with them using surveys. Listen to criticisms, opinions, suggestions, or suggestions from what they convey. You can also try creating a poll to survey their opinions. Try to review what they say, to be able to improvise about the quality of your blog with this new template. Consider, and make changes so that your blog visitors are more comfortable staying and reading the contents of your blog.

Well, readers, GLOBAL DIGITAL TIMES, those are some important things that must be considered when you change your blog template. These tips also apply to all blogs that use various blog platforms. Happy working!