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GLOBAL DIGITAL TIMES | UNDERSTANDING THE HISTORY OF KINDS OF GYMNASTICS - Definition of Gymnastics History of Gymnastics Types of Gymnastics. Gymnastics is a sport that involves the whole body. This means that gymnastic activities are very influential on the development of body fitness.

The definition of gymnastics in general is gymnastics known as Indonesian gymnastics is a translation from English which means Gymnastics or Dutch Gymnastiek itself comes from the original language Gymnos from Greek which means naked. according to Hidayat (1995) the word gymnastiek is used to denote physical activities that require freedom of movement so that it needs to be done naked or semi-naked. This means that gymnastics activities at that time did not wear clothes completely so they only wore pants. This is because gymnastic activities require energy. 

The history of gymnastics began in the 20th century thanks to the efforts of Dr.JF Williams. Dr. Dubly Sorgen and Thomas D. Wood. Gymnastics is a study and activity in schools in America. In Indonesia, gymnastics has been known since the arrival of the Dutch colonialists, at that time gymnastics was known as gymnastiek, while during the Japanese colonial era, exercise was tasio. The use of the term may coincide with the use of the term sport.

All kinds of gymnastics
Gymnastics consists of several types, namely 1) Floor exercise which is also called floor exercise or tumbing. This movement consists of jumping backwards, leaning on the hands, spinning in the air, jumping, and rolling. 2) Artistic gymnastics, namely gymnastics that combines aspects of tumbing and acrobatics to get artistic effects from movements performed using tools. 3) Aerobic gymnastics, is gymnastics that is performed en masse using music.

That's the material that I can share about the meaning of gymnastics, the history of gymnastics and various types of gymnastics, hopefully this is useful.